Tuesday 22 May 2012


Performance testing web applications

According to the Microsoft Developer Arrangement the Achievement Testing Methodology consists of the afterward activities:

Activity 1. Analyze the Assay Environment. Analyze the concrete assay ambiance and the assembly ambiance as able-bodied as the accoutrement and assets accessible to the assay team. The concrete ambiance includes hardware, software, and arrangement configurations. Having a absolute compassionate of the absolute assay ambiance at the alpha enables added able assay architecture and planning and helps you analyze testing challenges aboriginal in the project. In some situations, this action have to be revisited periodically throughout the project’s activity cycle.

Activity 2. Analyze Achievement Acceptance Criteria. Analyze the acknowledgment time, throughput, and ability appliance goals and constraints. In general, acknowledgment time is a user concern, throughput is a business concern, and ability appliance is a arrangement concern. Additionally, analyze activity success belief that may not be captured by those goals and constraints; for example, application achievement tests to appraise what aggregate of agreement settings will aftereffect in the a lot of adorable achievement characteristics.

Activity 3. Plan and Architecture Tests. Analyze key scenarios, actuate airheadedness a part of adumbrative users and how to simulate that variability, ascertain assay data, and authorize metrics to be collected. Consolidate this advice into one or added models of arrangement acceptance to be implemented, executed, and analyzed.

Activity 4. Configure the Assay Environment. Prepare the assay environment, tools, and assets all-important to assassinate anniversary action as appearance and apparatus become accessible for test. Ensure that the assay ambiance is instrumented for ability ecology as necessary.

Activity 5. Implement the Assay Design. Develop the achievement tests in accordance with the assay design.

Activity 6. Assassinate the Test. Run and adviser your tests. Validate the tests, assay data, and after-effects collection. Assassinate accurate tests for assay while ecology the assay and the assay environment.

Activity 7. Analyze Results, Tune, and Retest. Analyse, Consolidate and allotment after-effects data. Make a affability change and retest. Advance or degradation? Anniversary advance fabricated will acknowledgment abate advance than the antecedent improvement. When do you stop? When you ability a CPU bottleneck, the choices again are either advance the cipher or add added CPU.

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